Saturday, May 23, 2020

How to Conjugate the Verb Volere in Italian

Volere, which translates principally to the English to want, is, much like its English counterpart, a rather essential verb. You use it to express will, expectation, resolve, demand, command, and wish. It is irregular, so it does not follow the regular -ere verb ending pattern. Used as a transitive verb, volere takes a direct object or a complemento oggetto diretto, and, in compound tenses, the auxiliary verb avere: Voglio un libro da leggere. I want a book to read.Voglio il vestito che ho visto ieri. I want the dress I saw yesterday.Il verbo volere vuole lausiliare avere. The verb volere wants the auxiliary avere. Modal: Transitive or Intransitive But volere is also one of the triumvirate of Italian modal verbs, or verbi servili, aiding in the expression of other verbs and used to express the will to do something, so it can be followed directly by another verb (also a complemento oggetto): voglio leggere, voglio ballare, voglio andare in Italia. When its used as such, volere takes the auxiliary required by the verb it is serving. For example, if you couple  volere with  andare, which is an intransitive verb that takes  essere, in the compound tenses  volere takes  essere: Sono voluta andare a casa (I wanted to go home). If what we are wanting to do is mangiare, which is transitive and takes  avere,  volere, in that case, takes  avere: Ho voluto mangiare (I wanted to eat). Remember your ground rules for  choosing the right auxiliary: sometimes it is a case-by-case choice, depending on the sentence and the use of the verb. If you use  volere with a reflexive or reciprocal verb, it takes  essere. Volere With Che Volere also can be used to express wish in the subjunctive with che: Voglio che tu mi dica la verità  . I want you to tell me the truth.Vuoi che andiamo? Do you us to go?Non voglio che venga qui. I dont want him to come here. Vorrei The softer, less demanding expression of volere is the conditional I would like, which can be used in all the same ways as its English counterpart (but note the tense of the subordinate with che): Vorrei un po dacqua. I would like a bit of water.Vorrei mangiare qualcosa. I would like to eat something.Vorrei che tu mi dicessi la verità  . I would like for you to tell me the truth. Modal With Pronouns When volere is used as a modal verb, in constructions with direct and indirect object pronouns and  combined pronouns, the pronouns can go before either verb or attached to the infinitive that  volere is supporting:  Volete aiutarmi  or  mi volete aiutare;  lo voglio prendere  or  voglio prenderlo; glielo volete dare  or  volete darglielo. Ci Vuole, Ci Vogliono Volerci pronominal and impersonal, with essere, means it takes or it necessitates, as in require, particularly in time or money but also other things. For example: Ci vuole unora per andare a Roma. It takes an hour to go to Rome.Ci vogliono tre uova per fare gli gnocchi. It takes three eggs to make gnocchi.Ci vogliono 1,000 euro per andare in America. It takes 1,000 euros to go to America.Ci vuole forza e coraggio nella vita. Life takes strength and courage. You only conjugate in the third person singular or plural according to what is necessitated. You can use that construction quasi-reflexively with reflexive pronouns if the necessity is personal rather than impersonal. For example, Alla mia amica Lucia (le) ci vogliono due ore per lavarsi i capelli. It takes my friend Lucia two hours to wash her hair.A noi ci vuole un chilo di pasta a pranzo. It takes us a kilo of pasta for lunch.A Marco gli ci sono voluti due giorni per arrivare. It took Marco two days to get here. Volere Dire With dire, volere means to mean or to mean to say. Che vuoi dire? What do you mean/what are you saying?Cosa vuol dire questa parola in francese? What does this word in French mean?Queste parole non vogliono dire niente. These words dont mean anything. Volere Bene The term volere bene is used to express love of many kinds, romantic and non-romantic. It means to love someone, to care about someone, to wish them well. You use it with friends, family, pets, and also someone you are in love with, though with that person you also use amare: Ti amo! (You can use amare with other people, too, but be careful to not say ti amo to someone who might misunderstand your affection.) Volere bene is transitive, but it can be used reciprocally, with essere. The tables below include examples of  volere in transitive, reflexive, and reciprocal uses; modal and not. Indicativo Presente: Present Indicative An irregular presente. Io voglio Io mi voglio riposare. I want to rest. Tu vuoi Vuoi una pizza? Do you want a pizza? Lui, lei, Lei vuole Luca vuole bene a Pia. Luca loves Pia. Noi vogliamo Noi vogliamo sposarci. We want to get married/marry. Voi volete Volete del vino? Do you want some wine? Loro, Loro vogliono Vogliono mangiare. They want to eat. Indicativo Passato Prossimo: Present Perfect Indicative A regular passato prossimo, made of the present of the auxiliary and the participio passato, voluto (regular). In the passato prossimo the act of volere (like that of the other modal verbs) has ended and reached an outcome, one way or the other, almost with insistence: if you wanted to eat, you got food; if you wanted a car, you got it. Io ho voluto/sono voluto/a Mi sono voluta riposare un attimo. I wanted to rest for a moment. Tu hai voluto/sei voluto/a Hai voluto anche una pizza? You wanted a pizza, too? Lui, lei, Lei ha voluto/à ¨ voluto/a Luca ha voluto bene a Pia per molto tempo. Luca loved Pia for a long time. Noi abbiamo voluto/siamo voluti/e Ci siamo voluti sposare e ci siamo sposati. We wanted to get married and we did. Voi avete voluto/siete voluti/e Avete voluto del buon vino, vedo. You wanted some good wine, I see. Loro, Loro hanno voluto/sono voluti/e Hanno voluto mangiare subito. They wanted to eat immediately. Indicativo Imperfetto: Imperfect Indicative A regular imperfetto. In this imperfect tense, the wanting may or may not have resolved (like with other modal verbs). Io volevo Volevo riposarmi ma c'à ¨ troppo rumore. I wanted to rest but there is too much noise. Tu volevi Non sapevo che volevi una pizza. I didn't know you wanted ta pizza. Lui, lei, Lei voleva Luca voleva bene a Pia, ma l'ha lasciata. Luca loved Pia, but he left her. Noi volevamo Noi volevamo sposarci, poi abbiamo cambiato idea. We wanted to marry, but then we changed our minds. Voi volevate Volevate del vino? Did you want some wine? Loro, Loro volevano Quei signori volevano mangiare. Those gentlemen wanted to eat. Indicativo Passato Remoto: Indicative Remote Past An irregular passato remoto. Here also volere is resolute and has led to its outcome. Io volli Quel giorno volli riposarmi e mi addormentai. That day I wanted to rest and I fell asleep. Tu volesti Volesti una pizza e la mangiasti tutta. You wanted a pizza and you ate it all. Lui, lei, Lei volle Luca volle bene a Pia fino al suo ultimo giorno. Luca loved Pia to his very last day. Noi volemmo Volemmo sposarci a primavera. We wanted to marry in spring. Voi voleste Voleste del vino e ve lo portarono. You wanted some wine and they brought it. Loro, Loro vollero Vollero mangiare fuori. They wanted to eat outside. Indicativo Trapassato Prossimo: Indicative Past Perfect A regular trapassato prossimo, made of the imperfetto of the auxiary and the past participle, voluto. Io avevo voluto/eri voluto/a Mi ero voluta riposare e dunque mi ero appena svegliata. I had wanted to rest, so I had just woken up. Tu avevi voluto/eri voluto/a Avevi voluto una pizza ed eri pieno. You had wanted a pizza and you were full. Lui, lei, Lei aveva voluto/era voluto/a Luca aveva voluto molto bene a Pia prima di conoscere Lucia. Luca had loved Pia very much before meeting Lucia. Noi avevamo voluto/eravamo voluti/e Avevamo voluto sposarci in chiesa e mio padre non era stato contento. We had wanted to marry in the church and my father had not been happy. Voi avevate voluto/eravate voluti/e Avevate voluto molto vino ed eravate un po' allegri. You had wanted a lot of wine, and you were tipsy. Loro avevano voluto/erano voluti/e Avevano voluto mangiare molto e il tavolo era pieno di piatti. They had wanted to eat a lot and the table was full of plates. Indicativo Trapassato Remoto: Indicative Preterite Perfect A regular trapassato remoto. A very remote literary storytelling tense made of the passato remoto of the auxiliary and the past participle. Unlikely construction with a modal verb. Io ebbi voluto/fui voluto/a Appena che mi fui voluta riposare, mi portarono in camera. As soon as I had wanted to rest, they took me to the room. Tu avesti voluto/fosti voluto/a Appena avesti voluto la pizza, te la portarono. As soon as you had wanted the pizza, they brought it. Lui, lei, Lei ebbe voluto/fu voluto/a Dopo che Luca ebbe voluto bene a Pia tutta la vita, si sposarono. After Luca had loved Pia all his life, they married. Noi avemmo voluto/fummo voluti/e Dopo che ci fummo voluti sposare, ci lasciammo. After that we had wanted to marry, we left each other. Voi aveste voluto/foste voluti/e Appena che aveste voluto tutto quel vino, arrivarono i musicisti e ballammo tutta la notte. As soon as you had wanted all that wine, the musicians arrived and we danced all night. Loro, Loro ebbero voluto/furono voluti/e Dopo che ebbero voluto mangiare, si riposarono. After they had wanted to eat, they rested. Indicativo Futuro Semplice: Simple Future Indicative An irregular futuro semplice. Io vorrà ² Dopo il viaggio vorrà ² riposarmi. After the trip I will want to rest. Tu vorrai Vorrai una pizza dopo? Will you want a pizza later? Lui, lei, Lei vorrà   Luca vorrà   sempre bene a Pia. Luca will always love Pia. Noi vorremo Prima o poi vorremo sposarci. Sooner or later we will want to get married. Voi vorrete Vorrete del vino rosso con la pasta? Will you want some red wine with your pasta? Loro vorranno Dopo il viaggio vorranno mangiare. After the trip they will want to eat. Indicativo Futuro Anteriore: Indicative Future Perfect A regular futuro anteriore, made of the simple future of the auxiliary and the past participle, voluto. Io avrà ² voluto/sarà ² voluto/a Immagino che mi sarà ² voluta riposare I imagine that I will have wanted to rest. Tu avrai voluto/sarai voluto/a Dopo che avrai voluto anche la pizza sarai come una botte! After you will have wanted pizza, too, you will be like a barrel! Lui, lei, Lei avrà   voluto/sarà   voluto/a L'anno prossimo Luca avrà   voluto bene a Pia per dieci anni. Next year, Luca will have loved Pia for ten years. Noi avremo voluto/saremo voluti/e Dopo che ci saremo voluti sposare, andremo a fare un epico viaggio di nozze. After we will have wanted to marry, we will go on an epic honeymoon. Voi avrete voluto/sarete voluti/e Avrete voluto del vino, immagino. I imagine that you will have wanted some wine. Loro, Loro avranno voluto/saranno voluti/e Avranno voluto mangiare dopo il viaggio. They surely will have wanted to eat after the trip. Congiuntivo Presente: Present Subjunctive An irregular present subjunctive. Che io voglia Credo che mi voglia riposare. I think I want to rest. Che tu voglia Spero che tu voglia una pizza. I hope you want a pizza. Che lui, lei, Lei voglia Penso che Luca voglia bene a Pia. I think that Luca loves Pia. Che noi vogliamo Credo che ci vogliamo sposare. I think we want to marry. Che voi vogliate Spero che vogliate del vino! I hope you want some wine! Che loro, Loro vogliano Penso che vogliano mangiare. I think they want to eat. Congiuntivo Passato: Present Perfect Subjunctive A regular congiuntivo passato, made of the present subjunctive of the auxiliary and the past participle, voluto. Again, the wanting has reached a resolution. Che io abbia voluto/sia voluto/a Nonostante mi sia voluta riposare, non ho dormito. Though I wanted to rest, I didn't sleep. Che tu abbia voluto/sia voluto/a Nonostante tu abbia voluto la pizza, non l'hai mangiata. Though you wanted the pizza, you didn't eat it. Che lui, lei, Lei abbia voluto/sia voluto/a Penso che Luca abbia voluto bene a Pia tutta la vita. I think that Luca has loved Pia all his life. Che noi abbiamo voluto/siamo voluti/e Sono felice che ci siamo voluti sposare. I am happy that we wanted to get married. Che voi abbiate voluto/siate voluti/e Sono felice che abbiate voluto del vino. I am happy that you wanted some wine. Che loro, Loro abbiano voluto/siano voluti/e Sono felice che abbiano voluto mangiare. I am happy that they wanted to eat. Congiuntivo Imperfetto: Imperfect Subjunctive A regular congiuntivo imperfetto. Che io volessi Pensavo che mi volessi riposare, ma non sono stanca. I thought I wanted to rest but I am not tired. Che tu volessi Pensavo che tu volessi una pizza. I thought you wanted a pizza. Che lui, lei, Lei volesse Credevo che Luca volesse bene a Pia. I thought the Luca loved Pia. Che noi volessimo Speravo che ci volessimo sposare. I hoped that we wanted to get married. Che voi voleste Speravo che voleste del vino: l'ho aperto! I hoped that you wanted some wine: I opened it! Che loro, Loro volessero Speravo che volessero mangiare: ho cucinato molto. I hoped that they wanted to eat: I cooked a lot. Congiuntivo Trapassato: Past Perfect Subjunctive A regular congiuntivo trapassato, made of the imperfetto congiuntivo of the auxiliary and the past participle. Che io avessi voluto/fossi voluto/a Sperava che mi fossi voluta riposare. He hoped that I had wanted to rest. Che tu avessi voluto/fossi voluto/a Vorrei che tu avessi voluto una pizza. I wish that you had wanted a pizza. Che lui, lei, Lei avesse voluto/fosse voluto/a Vorrei che Luca avesse voluto bene a Pia. I wish that Luca had loved Pia. Che noi avessimo voluto/fossimo voluti/e Speravo che ci fossimo voluti sposare. I hoped that we had wanted to get married. Che voi aveste voluto/foste voluti/e Pensavo che avreste voluto del vino. I thought you would have wanted some wine. Che loro, Loro avessero voluto/fossero voluti/e Pensavo che avessero voluto mangiare. I thought they would have wanted to eat. Condizionale Presente: Present Conditional An irregular condizionale presente. Io vorrei Vorrei riposarmi. I would like to rest. Tu vorresti Vorresti una pizza? Would you like a pizza? Lui, lei, Lei vorrebbe Luca vorrebbe pià ¹ bene a Pia se lei lo trattasse bene. Luca would love Pia more if she treated him well. Noi vorremmo Noi vorremmo sposarci a marzo. We would like to get married in March. Voi vorreste Vorreste del vino? Would you like some wine. Loro vorrebbero I signori vorrebbero mangiare. The gentlemen would like to eat. Condizionale Passato: Perfect Conditional A regular condizionale passato, made of the present conditional of the auxiliary and the past participle. Io avrei voluto/sarei voluto/a Mi sarei voluta riposare. I would have liked to rest. Tu avresti voluto/saresti voluto/a Tu avresti voluto una pizza se ci fosse stata? Would you have liked a pizza had there been one? Lui, lei, Lei avrebbe voluto/sarebbe voluto/a Luca avrebbe voluto bene a Pia malgrado tutto. Luca would have loved Pia regardless. Noi avremmo voluto/saremmo voluti/e Noi ci saremmo voluti sposare a marzo, ma ci sposeremo a ottobre. We would have liked to marry in March but we will get married in October. Voi avreste voluto/sareste voluti/a Avreste voluto del vino bianco, se ne avessero avuto? Would you have liked some white wine, if they had had some? Loro, Loro avrebbero voluto/sarebbero voluti/e Avrebbero voluto mangiare prima. They would have liked to eat earlier. Imperativo: Imperative An irregular imperativo. Tu vogli Voglimi bene! Love me! Lui, lei, Lei voglia Vogliatele bene! Love her! Noi vogliamo Vogliamole bene! Let's love her! Voi vogliate Vogliatele bene! Love her! Vogliano vogliano Le vogliano bene! May they love her! Infinito Presente Passato: Present Past Infinitive Remember that the infinitive in Italian is often used as a noun. Volere 1. Volere à ¨ potere. 2. Lina si fa benvolere. 3. Non si puà ² volere di pià ¹ dalla vita. 1. Will is power. 2. Lina makes herself well liked. 3. One cannot want more from life. Volersi 2. Non bisogna volersi male. 2. One must not dislike one another. Avere voluto 1. Sono contenta di avere voluto vedere il film. 2. Averti voluto bene mi ha dato motivo di vivere. 1. I am happy to have wanted to see the movie. 2. Having loved you gave me a reason to live. Essersi voluto/a/i/e 1. Essermi voluta laureare à ¨ segno del mio impegno. 2. Essersi voluti bene à ¨ bello. 1. Having wanted to get my degree is sign of my commitment. 2. It is nice to have loved each other. Participio Presente Passato: Present Past Participle The present participle volente, meaning willing, is used as an adjective. In addition to its auxiliary duties, the past participle voluto is also used as an adjective. Volente Volente o nolente, vieni alla festa. Willing or unwilling, you are coming to the party. Voluto/a/i/e 1. Il male voluto torna a nuocere. 2. Mi sono sentita ben voluta. 1. The ill-will wished comes back to harm. 2. I felt welcome/well accepted. Gerundio Presente Passato: Present Past Gerund Remember the functions of the important gerundio mood. Volendo Volendo salutare Grazia, sono andata a casa sua. Wanting to say hello to Grazia, I went to her house. Avendo voluto Avendo voluto salutare Grazia, sono andata a casa sua. Having wanted to say hello to Grazia, I went to her house. Essendo voluto/a/i/e Essendosi voluti salutare, si sono incontrati al bar. Having wanted to say hello to each other, they met at the bar.

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Freedom Of The Slave By Abraham Lincoln - 1492 Words

In 1862, Abraham Lincoln stated, â€Å"In giving freedom to the slave, we assure freedom to the free.† This freedom would take form in the lack of guilt and blame for the mistreatment of others. But, what if the already free masters and slave owners are not burdened with guilt and do not care for or recognize the mistreatment they lavish? The freedom of slaves was a cause fought for many decades, and was finally resolved with the passing of the 13th amendment in 1865. This technicality of freedom symbolized a new beginning and the start of the African American citizenship in the United States. But, it is established that the word â€Å"free† does not necessarily correlate with successful or equal. The aftermath of slavery can be viewed in some instances to be just as harsh as slavery itself. Therefore, the question arises; how free is free? Life as a slave was arduous and merciless. Though some masters were more kind than others and welcomed their slaves either into their families or developed friendship, slavery in the United States, according to a slave named David Walker, was like no other (181, A People’s History of the United States). To many slave owners, their slaves were not considered to be human; thus eliminating any potential pity or empathy for the harsh conditions slaves were subjected to. The slaves on the other hand, more often than not, followed these orders and submitted to the harsh conditions even though they outnumbered white men entirely. In Been in the Storm soShow MoreRelatedAbraham Lincoln : An Influential President1572 Words   |  7 PagesAbraham Lincoln: An Influential President When you hear the name Abraham Lincoln, what is the first thing that comes to your mind? Do you think of a tall, slender man with an enormous top hat? Do you think of his devotion to the abolition of slavery? 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Statistical Literature Review and Critique of Empirical Article Free Essays

ARTICLE REVIEW AND CRITIQUE: â€Å"Efficiency of Brand Placement in an International Film- Effects of Exposure in a Local Context† Slim Khalbous and Merium Maazoul Journal of Creative Communications, Volume 5, Issue 1 (March 2010), p. 23-46 SYNOPSIS Product and brand placement arouses a particular interest at the announcers. However the massive use of brands in international programs incites us to wonder about the effect of the local socio-cultural context on the efficiency of this creative technique. We will write a custom essay sample on Statistical Literature Review and Critique of Empirical Article or any similar topic only for you Order Now This research presents, first an explanatory abstract frame of the influence of the local context variables and the variables of programming on the recall of the placement; and second an empirical validation realized in two phases. First of all, a qualitative analysis of contents by experts; then a quantitative study by experimentation realized with 150 individuals. The results show that, globally the effect of the local context on the memorization of the placement is direct and that the recall of the placed brands depends on attitudes towards the spoken language, on social interactions and some characteristics of the audience. KEYWORDS Brand placement, recall, programming, context, exposing language, social interactions The empirical application was done by showing a James Bond film that had several product placements in a part of North Africa called Tunisia; an area where a lot of international films are consumed. The study wanted to explore the â€Å"effect of the specific context related to the international film on the effectiveness of the placement in terms of memorization. In order to do this, the research had to go through three stages: (1) a state of the art, which generated some of the research propositions (2) a qualitative phase, to choose and analyze the international film, and (3) a quantitative phase, which would measure the impact of exposure in the effectiveness of placement in the film. Attitudes toward Language Effect Foreign language can improve the advertising effectiveness for a product because a foreign language attracts attention, creates a positive attitude, and is more memorable, which can be explained by Helfer’s theory of mbiguity. A study done by Khalbous and Maazaul in 2007 proved that the â€Å"attitude toward advertising is positive when the audience prefers watching the programs in French and commercials in Arabic. † Social interactions also play a huge role in product memorization and attitudes because people will remember what they were saying or doing with others while watching television or film. Individual Variables Effect Gender and the area of residence are two variables on the effectiveness of product placement. American, French, and Austrian men are more likely to accept a product seen in films than women according to studies. However, another study showed that women have more positive attitudes towards placement. â€Å"On the other hand, women would be emotionally more touched than men, by the stimuli which surrounds them, especially television programs to which they are exposed (Schwartz et al. 1980). † The area of residence is the other factor. The wealthier areas are more likely to be less favorable towards product placement because they are exposed to it more, and have become bored with the predictability of it. According to the study of Hall (2004), the percentage of consumers who said they would try a product if they saw it in a film is 53 percent in Mexico, 49 percent in Singapore, 35 percent in India, and only 26 percent in the USA and 8 percent in France. † The Effect of Specific Context Related to the Program The appreciation of an international film, and the intensi ty of the emotions generated by the film were the two aspects being studied in this area of research. Most of the interest was about the impact of the characteristics of the film and how they affect the audience’s cognitive reactions. Program Liking Effect Although there was no link found between the film’s likability and the memory of product placement in a study conducted in 1994 by Karrh, there was evidence of a link found in 2000. In that study, Blonde Roozen (2007) found evidence of people being more likely to remember a product placed in a film they liked. International Placement and Tunisian Local Context The empirical validation of the conceptual framework was conducted in two stages: the qualitative analysis to select and qualify the selected film (the visual content analysis by experts), and then (2) a quantitative study which determined the impact of the contextual variables on the effectiveness of the placement of products in the film (the experiment). Selection and Analysis of Placements in an International Film: Qualitative Stage Choice of International Film James Bond- Tomorrow Never Dies (1997) was the film chosen by a board of four experts for three reasons: it’s known for use of product placement, because the film was not created to pertain to a certain audience, and because the old exit date of the film eliminates short and medium term memorization. Quantitative Experimentation of the Selected Film The main focus was to test the effects of the exposure on the efficiency of placement, while controlling the external variables. Model and Hypothesis of Measurement In order to test the relationship between the variables, two things were necessary: firstly, to propose measurements of conceptual framework, and secondly, to form the hypothesis of research to be studied quantitatively. Measurement and Experimental Design The sample used in this study was composed of 150 undergraduate students whose average age ranged between 20 and 22 years old. In order to minimize sampling confound, the students were from different areas and levels of study, different income levels, and were from three different universities, each in different cities in the country. Type of Recalled Placements: Qualitative Analysis of Frequencies According to Table 2, the frequencies of recall of the product placements show that BMW stands out more than the others because it is the only audio-visual placement in the film. It was also repeated several times. Next is Ericsson, whose high scores are due to the familiarity of the brand to Tunisians. The scores may be high for Ericsson, but its rate of recall is low because of its very subtle placement in the film. According to Khalbous and Maazaul, â€Å"the qualitative analysis showed that the high scores of recall were obtained for the audio-visual placements, integrated in the scenario of film, where the brand is presented in a very visible way, accompanied by several integrated and prominent recalls of placement. These results agree results agree with the conclusions of Lehu’s study (2005), according to which the traditional criteria of the placement does not systematically guarantee the success of a placement, by enhancing the recall of the brand. It is thus necessary to consider a global approach integrating the various creative techniques of placement. † Three Things I Liked First of all, the topic was interesting to me because I can relate my own experiences to it. For instance, I have seen a few James Bond movies, and what I love mostly about them is the cars. When I think of James Bond, I think of an Aston Martin V12 Vanquish, a dream car of mine only because of the film James Bond 007- Die Another Day. Obviously, the product placement caught my attention, like it did to most of the sample of college students in Africa that were being studied, and was memorable to me, since I’m still talking about it today, even though I saw the film about 5 years ago. Another thing I liked was the study about audio-visual seeming to make the biggest impact on product memorization. I agree with this conclusion because while searching for a movie clip online of my favorite moment of the James Bond 007 Aston Martin V12 Vanquish, I stumbled onto the wrong clip. I didn’t even remember the part when James Bond’s assistant introduces him to the Vanquish. Based upon research done, the article tells me why: because there was no sound to go along with it. The only part of the movie (or actually, the car) I remember was a very noisy moment full of engine revs and tire squeals. I also liked the study they did on emotion influencing memory, and agree with it also. I can remember when I saw the James Bond movie at the theater, and the feeling I had while watching James Bond drive the Aston Martin on a sheet of ice during a high-speed chase. I was scared, nervous, excited, and my adrenaline was pumping. Immediately after the scene, I turned to my boyfriend and asked â€Å"What kind of car was that? † because I knew it belonged on my dream list. To this day, when someone asks me what my dream car is, I say â€Å"An Aston Martin V12 Vanquish. † I’ve never seen the movie again, but that car, and the feeling I had when I saw it has stayed with me. A few minutes ago, when I went to YouTube and did a search for the â€Å"007 ice chase† I eventually got the right clip; the one that gave me that feeling of excitement. I was surprised, and a little disappointed that I didn’t get the same feeling. Actually, I’m thinking of changing my dream car now, because I don’t think it’s quite as attractive as I remembered it being. This raises a question that I didn’t see research done on in the article: What are the benefits of product placement in an international film vs. an international commercial. I’ve seen some pretty in-depth, action-packed car commercials, but none of them have managed to persuade me to let go of my first dream car, the Aston Martin. Why is that? Is it because there isn’t enough time for a commercial to spark that kind of height of emotion in me? Or maybe because I view commercials as being annoying (except for Super Bowl commercials; those I like because it gives me something to look forward to during the game). Maybe it’s just the whole experience of being in a movie theater, with that special someone, and being surrounded by loud â€Å"Vrooms! †, and hearing others’ reactions to the movie that just can’t be captured by watching a commercial. I don’t know, but I think these researcher guys are onto something! What I Didn’t Like Like I said before, I would have liked for them to compare the effect of international commercials and the effect of international films because maybe there is a way to get create enough emotion in a short 120 second commercial if it’s in a language not native to the viewers. I would also like to know about the similarities and differences between the effectiveness of product placement in an international film and one that is native if there are any. Question According to Khalbous and Maazaul, high scores of recall of the products placed in the James Bond film were obtained for what reasons? How to cite Statistical Literature Review and Critique of Empirical Article, Essays

Friday, May 1, 2020

Albert Einstein Essay Hook Example For Students

Albert Einstein Essay Hook Albert EinsteinAlbert Einstein was an important person who changed the world of science. People referred to him as a genius, and as one of the smartest people in theworld. Einstein devoted himself to solving the mysteries of the world, and hechanged the way science is looked at today. Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879, in Ulm, Germany.Albertsspeech was late in development; he didnt start talking until he was about three. Since he started talking late, his parents thought he was retarded. Hisexplanation was that he consciously skipped baby babbling, waiting until hecould speak in complete sentences(Brian 1). Einstein had a very bad temper whenhe was young; he got mad and hit his sister Maja in the head with a garden hoeand cracked her skull. When he was in school, his teachers thought he wasmentally retarded because he ignored whatever bored him and attacked anything hehad interest in. Einstein was twenty-one years old when he got married. His marriagealmost didnt take place because Mileva, his fiance, thought he had an affair. Einstein decided to go to America to tell other scientists about histheory of relativity. He brought his wife and several freinds with him. Whenthey got there, they were stormed with reporters and camera-men who wanted toknow about his theories. He went around to different areas and gave speechesand lectures. When he appeared at Union Station to lecture, there was almost ariot because so many people wanted to see him. Einsteins most famous theory was the theory of relativity. Einsteinstarted his theory of relativity at the age of sixteen (Encyclopedia 511). Hereceived the Nobel prize for his famous theory. Another famous scientifictheory he discovered was E=MC2 (energy equals mass times the speed of lightsquared). That theory made the atomic bomb possible. At dawn on July 16, theatomic structure of the world was revealed when Einsteins famous equation E=MC2came to life with a bang(Brian 344). He was famous for his philosophies too. besides the theory of relativity, he discovered the theory of motion. Themotions of bodies included in a given (vehicle) are the same among themselveswhether that (vehicle) is at rest or in uniform motion (Hoffman 63). WhenEinstein was a kid, he devoted himself to solving the mysteries of the world. On April 18, 1955, Einstein died in his sleep. On his desk lay his lastcomplete statement, written to honor Isreali Independence day. It read in part:What I seek to accomplish is simply to serve with my feeble capacity truth andjustice at the risk of pleasing noone. (Encyclopedia 513). Albert Einstein was smart as a child, but no one understood him, and hewas punished for it. Albert Einstein discovered the theories of relativity, andmotion as well as the atomic bomb. Einstein was one of the most important peoplein science, and he dedicated his life to changing the world. Works CitedBrian, Dennis. Einstein a Life. New York: John Whiley and Sons,Inc., 1996. Einstein, Albert. Encyclopedia Britannica. Vol.6. 15thedition. Hoffmann, Banesh. Albert Einstein Creator and Rebel. NewYork: Penguin Books, 1972.